Saturday, February 14, 2009
Feb 14

Red Velvet Cupcakes

Feb 13

Feb 12
Feb 10

Feb 9
Feb 8

Feb 7
Feb 6
Friday, February 13, 2009
Feb 1-Superbowl Sunday! Go Steelers!
Jan 31
Jan 30

Twopeasinabucket had a promotion going on this month that rewarded us for posting layouts to their website:post 20, get $20.00 to use in their store. I had so much fun shopping for my scrappin goodies, and my box came today! And I saw this magazine with the adorable cupcakes on the cover, so I had to pick it up!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
No Bake Chocolate Cookies

Jan 28: Yum, yum! So who remembers this tasty treat from their childhood? The main difference in my recipe and many that are out there is the addition of peanut butter and cinnamon, which I add to most of the chocolate treats I make, because I love the way the cinnamon enhances the chocolate. Here's my recipe:
2 c. sugar
1 stick margarine
4T. cocoa
1/2 c. milk
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp cinnamon
3/4 c. peanut butter
3 c. quick oatmeal
Bring sugar, margarine, cocoa, cinnamon, milk, and vanilla to a boil. Add peanut butter and oats. Mix well. Drop by spoonfuls onto wax paper, then refridgerate until cool (Don't be impatient and burn all of your tastebuds off like me!).
More snow photos
Jan 28
Jan 27
Jan 26
Jan 25
Jan 24

Jan 23
Jan 22
Jan 21
Jan 20

Today was a great day for our country! Tears filled my eyes as I watched history unfold, and thought about the awesome burden that is being laid at our new President's feet. I am so touched by the amount of emotion that is so evident on so many faces as they witness what they thought would never happen.It is especially touching to see the older black people who had to struggle in the civil rights movement, and not be afford the same rights as others. I can't help but think that this is the day that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. hoped and prayed for. But while we have come far, I hope we do not stop here, and carry on until we all can truly walk as one people.

I have to say, this was one of my favorite (and most touching) moments of the day. Beyonce did an incredible job singing the Etta James' song, "At Last", which was mine and Eric's song for our first dance at our wedding. The First Couple looked amazing, and again, it was so touching to watch the emotions on people's faces.